Sponsored Rider
Welcome to our sponsored riders page! We are blessed with some of the best ladies repping us at all sorts of events. Below you will find their pictures along with a brief description of them. They will all have their own discount code you can use at checkout to get some deals. Please show them love.
“Hi! I’m Kasey and I currently live in Moose Lake, MN. I’m a full time equine bodyworker and I’m in school for equine osteopathy as well! My business is KS Equine Bodywork and it’s so fulfilling. This year I’m running my futurity colt and doing the NRF Tour. In the future I’d like to focus more on breakaway roping and heading. Outside of horses I like to lift heavy in the gym 💪🏼”
“Hi! I’m Samantha Roffers. I’m a proud mother to two amazing kiddos, a lucky wife and a crazy horse girl. I also have 5 dogs so I guess crazy dog mom also works? When I’m not working, riding or choring around the farm I love to hike and travel with my family. I work full time as a receptionist at a veterinary clinic which I absolutely love! There isn’t a time in my life where I haven’t been absolutely enthralled by horses! My hobby is barrel racing but my passion lies within seasoning youngsters and learning how to raise and train my own horses. I am obsessed with horsemanship and horse behavior… I’m a firm believer that the horse comes before all else! I currently have three horses and a mini pony. The two horses who I am primarily focused on right now are Angels Knu Wagon (Willa) a 2016 mare and Rockin Wagons (Gretta) a 2021 mare. My goals for this season are to get my mare Willa finished and seasoned, to have fun and to keep everyone sound. I also plan to get my youngest mare Gretta hauled as much as possible to see the sights.”
“My name is Ava Mauer. I am 13 years old and I am a MPBA, PEWC,NBHA, and WOJO’s Rodeo member. I have 2 horses that I am currently ride at Events splash and yellow. Splash is a 12 year old pony who likes to hustle and keep up with the big horses. Yellow is an 18 year old palomino who does anything I ask her. Both horses give me a solid fun run. My goals are to win a saddle at sherry cervi youth finals this year, a buckle at nbha state finals and to have fun at every race runs”
Hey everyone! My name is Marissa. I live in Tamarck, MN and just graduated high school. I am part of the Air National Guard and will be attending Winona State for nursing! Horses have always been a huge part of my life and will always be. This year I am focusing on my young ones while hauling my main two girls to the bigger weekend races”
“Hi, I'm Kara Thell from Wrenshall, MN. After a few year break from running our own horses to make a family, I'm lucky enough to be doing the NRF Tour on my 4 year old futurity gelding this year, Dont Worry I Got You. He blew all expectations out of the water with winning the first round of the South Dakota Futurity with 130 entered. I believe in setting goals to achieve what we want in life and in the arena. Dedication, try, and hard work are a few things I fully live by. I cannot thank my husband and farrier enough for putting such a good start on my 2 year olds so when he hands over the reins I have a solid horse to start on the barrels. Together we own JT Ranch & Arena which includes training horses for the barrel pen, roping, cow work and solid foundations for clients to "go to town" on. A few horses I want to make a shout out to for pushing me to where I've gotten today: Shooting Whiskey, King Of Da Swamp, Gipsy Royal Te, and VF Runaway Sixes. Be on the look out for my next up & coming current 2 year olds: Not Another Fling (Full sibling to Kasey Solomon's Flingin Shotz) and Tequila Ann (sibling to our Dont Worry I Got You)”
“Hello! I’m Stephanie MacKissock and I currently reside in St. Cloud MN. I work full time as a licensed marriage and family therapist and having my own private practice allows me to have a flexible schedule so that I can spend my summers hauling to rodeos. I am very involved with the PEWC as I am the state Rep as well at the MRA where I am the secretary and queen director. This year I am lucky to have my 2 horses to run, Beamer and Charlie as well as able to steal my boyfriend’s horse Lux if needed as well. My major goals this year are to work to qualify for my 4th consecutive MRA finals, soak up all of the experiences, make memories and be thankful and enjoy every run that I get!”
“Hi! I’m Lenna Peterson from Watkins MN. I am 14 years old and going into 9th grade. I compete in Minnesota High school rodeo in 6 events - Barrel racing, Pole bending, Goat tying, Breakaway roping, Team roping, and Ribbon roping. I also compete in Little britches rodeo in 7 events - Barrel racing, Pole bending, Goat tying, Breakaway roping, Team roping, Ribbon roping, and Trail course. My favorite events are Barrels and Roping. This year I was the MN JH High Goat tying and Breakaway roping state champion along with the all around state champion and the rookie of the year. I qualified for Nationals in all 6 event (have to get in top 4 in the state), and in less than 2 weeks I head to Des Moines IA for the National Junior High Finals Rodeo and then to Guthrie,OK for National Little britches Finals Rodeo. I’m super excited. Thank you Rustic Rose for choosing me to to be on your team!”
“Hi everyone, my name is Nisse Flaten; I am originally from Big Lake, Minnesota but am currently living in central Oklahoma ! I work for an equine reproduction facility, FCG Equine, where I manage the office & onsite horses.
This year I will be hitting the pro rodeos for my rookie season with 3 great mares! As well as bringing up some of my future colts”
“Hi, I am Alana Willumsen. My husband, Riley Willumsen and I are professional horse trainers at Pine Ranch, our facility in Black River Falls, WI. My husband trains cowhorses and I specialize in barrel horses with an emphasis on 2-5 year olds with the goal of making a futurity horse in mind. This year I have a few horses with me on the road. Streaking Savannah “Gracie” is my 6yo bay roan mare that I run in the derbies. She is my pride and joy and the one that taught me what a “winner” feels like. I also have two futurity horses this year-Streakin Flash Chex “Betta” 5 yo by CS Flashlight and Frenchy Dash Flash “Frenchy”. I love the process of starting these colts and watching them turn into barrel horses! My goal this year is to hit my 50k LTE. As always, I am grateful to represent Rustic Rose. ❤️”
Hi, my name is Tana Petron I’m from Central MN. I currently compete on two horses I’ve trained myself, Mare and JoJo. We compete in everything from local jackpots, three day barrel races and rodeos/bulls & barrels. Our favorite being rodeos or bulls & barrels. Some other fun things I do is run, workout, hang out with my miniature donkey and make content for my Tik Tok page! I’ve been a huge fan of Rustic Rose from the start and continue to fill my closet with their apparel! I’ve been taking it easy this summer in the barrel pen to focus on some other things but hope to be competing more aggressively towards fall! Excited to see where the rest of year takes me!